This was written for a News Brief for Natural Awakenings to appear in September 2012 magazine.
Angelic Healing Center: A Reiki Center in Norwalk, CT

Gigi Benanti Receives Jikiden Reiki Certificate From F. Arjava Petter in May 2012 — It was a special day
Gigi Benanti is an Usui Reiki Master/Teacher celebrating her 17th year of Reiki. To celebrate and to continue to deepen her commitment to the system of Reiki Healing she took a special 5 day Reiki workshop. The first day of the workshop was on the same date of her 1st Reiki workshop 17 years ago.
The workshop was for Jikiden Reiki, a special and powerful Japanese system of Reiki.
It was taught by F. Arjava Patter who is famous in the Reiki community. The system is called Jikiden Reiki Kenkyu Kai. It is considered to be one of the true and complete systems of Reiki. She has seen firsthand the comfort Reiki Healing has to offer for stress, pain reduction, cancer care, hospice care, and so much more.
Although she is not teaching Jikiden Reiki she now includes Jikiden Reiki techniques along with Usui/Karuna™ Reiki in her Reiki Sessions & healing practice. She usually teaches every level of Reiki monthly.
Workshops are held at Angelic Healing Center for Reiki in Norwalk with Gigi Benanti B.A. Reiki Master/Teacher
Connect with an experienced expert that specializes in Reiki since 1995. Current info is always included. She has a full time healing and teaching practice for Reiki Healing. She is also a Reiki Therapist for an hospice agency. Gigi is a Usui Reiki Master/ Karuna™ Master/Teacher. Registered member of ICRT and IARP. Jikiden Japanese Reiki Certified.
Free Parking off of Exit 16 East Ave on a beautiful street.